Home School Room

Today's client is a busy homeschool mom with four children ages six and under. She wanted help organizing her school room.


We started by discussing what the room will be primarily used for: school and crafts.

We then purged the room of anything that was broken or had missing pieces, and created a donation pile. Keep, donate, purge. 


I then combined all "like" things together, books, board games, puzzles, fine motor skill games, legos, curriculum, etc.

The top row of the black cabinet is all for Mom. Curriculum, manipulatives, and teacher supplies.


We moved all the books to the book shelf. Her homework included organizing and sorting like books together. We pushed the book shelves together creating a lego center in the corner.


The top of the red bookshelves is all craft items. Away from little hands, yet easy for mom to find and set on the table. 


The room now has form and function, and she even has a few extra empty drawers! It can easily be maintained by putting away one craft/lesson/project before starting the next thing. Children love to help, involve them!

Total time on job: 2.5 hours, extra cost for client, $0 as we used only what she had.

I'm ready to help you today,


