Spring Cleaning is around the corner, are you ready?

I always have one main project that I like to accomplish during Spring Break. This year I'm tackling and organizing our garage! I cannot wait to show you the before and afters....we've started already, and it's turning out so well, we are almost there!! 

My biggest request each spring: Pantry Organization

Pantry, kitchen, and fridge organization are probably my top requests each spring. Here are my favorite items to use!

Can Stackers and Risers!

Can stackers not only save space, they use up all the vertical space on your shelves. These and can risers are my favorite to use for canned goods. Find these can risers at The Container Store.


Lazy Susans

Poor lazy susans get a bad rap...they are the hardest working organizers ever. I have them all over my home!


 Some of my favorite ones come from The Container Store. These divided turntables are the best! 

Refrigerators Need Spring Cleaning too!

I use these divided lazy susans in my fridge too! Keep your cold snacks handy with just a twirl!


Bins and Labels

Bins and labels are a must  when organizing a pantry or fridge. They help you and your family know exactly where things are, and when you need more! 


These Linus bins from The Container Store are perfect because you can measure and custom fit them to your space! Add a cute label and some Fridge Coasters...and your fridge is all set! 

What is your spring break project? Do you need help getting your spring cleaning and organizing done?

Be sure and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for all my daily tips and tricks! 

I'm ready to help you today, Lisa  


We Have To Have A Plan


A Note From Lisa