How to Declutter Your Wardrobe

for a fresh start in 2024

As we step into a new year, it's the perfect time to declutter our lives and make room for a fresh start. If you're anything like the women we work with at Outfit Formulas, your wardrobe is likely filled with memories, trends, and pieces that have stood the test of time. It can be hard to parse through your closet and know what to keep when you have so much sentiment attached to each piece. 

But as we embrace 2024, let's embark on a journey to declutter and revitalize our style. Inspired by the principles we use in our Outfit Formulas Member Community, here's a tailored guide to help you declutter your wardrobe and step into the new year with confidence and style.

Closet Declutter Step 1: Prepare to Sort

First and foremost, let’s set our intentions. The goal here isn’t to feel stressed, overwhelmed, or torn about whether to keep our most treasured items. The goal here is to feel liberated from a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear.

To that end, we’re going to offer two suggestions for preparation… One is emotional and the other is practical.

Emotionally, we want to go into this experience with the right focus, so make sure you have at least an hour of uninterrupted time and put on your favorite music. Maybe grab a coffee, tea, wine, or other beverage of your choice. Try to make this experience fun and enjoyable.

Practically, we have a framework that our members use called “Cash, Stash, and Trash.” 

Find three medium to large boxes and label them CASH, STASH and TRASH. If you don’t have boxes on hand, trash bags will do. In each box, you will categorize the following:

  • CASH: These are items that can be sold or donated. They are in good condition, but you haven’t worn them in a year or more and will probably never wear them again.

  • TRASH: Anything stained, worn out or damaged beyond repair. Worth noting, just because this is your “TRASH” pile doesn’t mean these clothes need to end up in a landfill! You can easily use a clothing recycling locator to find a spot where they can repurpose your used clothes most effectively. 

  • STASH: This is clothing limbo. Put anything in here that you haven’t worn in two seasons but don’t want to part with. This will go into storage outside of your closet, at least for now. Let’s call this the “maybe” box. 

Closet Declutter Step 2: Pull and Assign

Once you’ve got the vibes right and your boxes ready, it’s time to start the process of pulling all of your clothes out and assigning them to a category.

Pull every item out of your closet one by one, including shoes, handbags and scarves or other accessories. Find a category for each item and place it in its respective box. All items that you decide to keep can be put in a pile on your bed for now.

What Pieces Should I Keep in my Wardrobe?

  • Have I worn it in the past year?

  • Is it a classic piece that will stay in style?

  • Is it still in good condition?

  • Can I pair it up in more than one way?

If you answered “no” to one or more of the questions above and you’re still feeling torn, that’s the perfect candidate for your STASH box. Store it for now and see what happens over the next 6-12 months. If you feel like wearing it, congratulations! You’ve got a keeper on your hands! If you revisit this box a year from now and the piece has gone untouched, it may be time to move on.

Want the full list of questions to decide what to keep or toss? Become an Outfit Formulas Member today for instant access to our 5 Day Closet Cleanout Challenge!

Closet Declutter Step 3: Organize Your Closet with the Keepers

Once you’re done categorizing what you have, it’s time to organize what’s left in your KEEP pile. Most people have a preferred method of organizing their clothing. You can organize your pieces in groups of like items, by season, or by color. It really doesn’t matter as long as it makes sense to you and you know where to find everything.

A few key recommendations we have for keeping your closet organized and clutter-free year round include… 

  • Regular Wardrobe Assessments: Conduct periodic assessments of your wardrobe to identify items that no longer align with your style, fit poorly, or have gone unworn for an extended period. This proactive approach allows you to consistently keep your closet curated and clutter-free.

  • Implement the "One In, One Out" Rule: Adopt a simple rule: for every new item you bring into your closet, consider parting ways with an existing one. This strategy helps maintain a balanced wardrobe, preventing unnecessary accumulation and encouraging mindful shopping habits.

  • Seasonal Rotation: Rotate your wardrobe seasonally to ensure that the items most relevant to the current weather and activities are easily accessible. Store off-season clothing in bins or a separate closet space, keeping your day-to-day choices streamlined and reducing visual clutter.

  • Invest in Versatile, Timeless Pieces: Focus on building a wardrobe around versatile, timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched for various occasions. These staples reduce the need for a large number of items, promoting a more minimalist approach and preventing your closet from becoming overcrowded.

  • Create a Capsule Wardrobe: Consider creating a capsule wardrobe for specific purposes, such as work, casual wear, or special events. A capsule wardrobe consists of a curated selection of essential items that can be easily combined to create numerous outfits. This intentional approach not only minimizes clutter but also encourages a more thoughtful and cohesive style.

Additional Tips and Tricks for an Uncluttered, Timeless Closet

At Outfit Formulas, we believe that everyone deserves to love themselves, and decluttering your closet is a staple of this belief. A timeless, uncluttered closet filled with clothes that resonate with your personal style has a profound impact on your confidence and overall happiness. When you open your closet to a curated collection of garments that genuinely make you feel great, the morning ritual of choosing an outfit transforms into a joyful experience. That’s what we want for you every single day.

Here are a few additional tips and tricks to keeping your closet clean and effective for you year-round.

  • Use Velvet Covered Hangers: If you don’t have velvet covered hangers yet, run, don’t walk to replace and upgrade your hangers TODAY! The velvet keeps pieces in place so they won’t slip off and they usually have a slimmer profile than wooden hangers, which gives you more space on the rail. You can thank us later!

  • What to do with sentimental items that you no longer wear: There’s nothing wrong with keeping sentimental items that you won’t wear again, but find a new home for them! Your closet is for function, not walking down memory lane. Find another storage spot or a keepsake chest that allows you to hold onto these items without taking up valuable space in your wardrobe. 

  • Avoiding clutter in the future: There’s a maxim we live by at Outfit Formulas… If it’s not a “heck yes!” it’s a “no.” The best advice we have for avoiding clutter is stop buying “maybe” clothes. You’ll never love it more than you do before you buy it!

  • Letting go of guilt when getting rid of items: We only wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. It’s ok to release the pieces that you don’t actually wear. Hanging onto something just because you got a ‘good deal’ on it or worse yet because you paid a lot for it is known as the sunk cost fallacy and keeping these clothes is only contributing to your unhappiness and your closet overwhelm. Now you’ve actually lost out twice – the initial cost of the purchase plus the wardrobe frustration you are currently experiencing. Let it go, it’s okay.

  • Storing “overflow” items: You can store off season items in plastic bins, a guest room closet or box them up and put in your garage or attic. Slim profile under bed storage bins are a great option if space is limited.

  • Get daily inspiration and curated guidance from an expert: One key for loving your closet is finding a community of like minded women who are approaching their style journey the same way you are. That’s why we created our Outfit Formulas Member Community. Be sure to check it out if you’re looking to get daily curated outfits, shopping guides, online courses, and a community of thousands of women who can uplift and inspire you on your style journey. 

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll be in a GREAT position to rebuild your wardrobe. Pay attention to items that you need to replace or upgrade and also any gaps in your wardrobe. These are the items you will want to have on your shopping list.

The Key to Loving Your Closet is Celebrating Your Style Journey

Acknowledge the effort you've put into decluttering your wardrobe and creating a space that reflects your style and personality. Reward yourself with a cuppa and take a relaxing moment to appreciate the positive changes you've made.

As you step into 2024, let your wardrobe be a reflection of the confident, stylish, and empowered woman you are. By following these decluttering tips, you'll not only create a more organized and efficient closet but also open up the door to a year filled with fashion-forward choices and renewed self-expression. Embrace the fresh start, and may your wardrobe inspire you to conquer the year ahead with grace and style.

If you’re looking to build a closet you love with less, the Outfit Formulas Member Community is perfect for you! When you join our member community, you’ll receive endless outfit ideas, including seasonal trend updates, and access to over $750 worth of bonus content, including…

  • Our Exclusive 5-Day Closet Cleanout Video Course

  • 21 Days of Leggings Guide

  • Slay At Home Casual Guide

  • Casual Closet Staples Outfit Guide

  • Work Wear Closet Staples Outfit Guide

  • Body Shape Outfit Guide

  • Color Analysis 101 Guide

  • French Minimalist Outfit Guide

  • Athleisure + Workout Outfit Guide

  • Define Your Personal Style Video Course

  • Menswear Closet Staples Outfit Guide


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